Government Funded Training

Subsidised Training under the NSW Smart and Skilled Initiative

What is Smart and Skilled?

Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It’s helping people in NSW get the skills they need to advance their careers. The funding provides a great advantage for eligible students by offering subsidies and thereby reducing the cost of the training course.

Student Eligibility

You may be eligible for Smart and Skilled funding if you are :

  • 15 years old or over, and
  • no longer at school, and
  • living or working in NSW (or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person living in specific NSW border areas), and 
  • an Australian citizen, permanent resident, permanent humanitarian visa holder, or New Zealand citizen.

For further information on Smart and Skilled eligibility, go to the Are you eligible? page on the Smart and Skilled website.

Student Support

To review support options, please review our Student Handbook.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

In order to begin a course at the Australian College of Business and Training (AUSCBT), it is necessary to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a unique national student number that grants individuals access to their comprehensive training records and outcomes from all training providers. This includes a consolidated view of completed training units and qualifications in a single platform.

Each USI account is connected to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection. This allows individuals to conveniently locate, compile, and verify their VET accomplishments through a unified transcript.

You can obtain a USI either during the enrolment process or by visiting the Australian Government’s website here.